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Charles Manson's Blood Letters: dueling with the devil Page 8

  G: Susan Atkins, Leslie Van Houston..

  M: Susan Atkins is just doing what society raised her up to do. G: What if she’s only doing what you raised her up to do?

  M: No, no no. Come on, you set a baby in the cradle, and you go “(gibberish baby talk)”..he’s just no more, he’s no more younger or older than I am. He’s just a baby in the cradle. You tell him (sings) “Baby won’t you light my fire. Baby won’t you light my fire” and then the kid grows up and what’s he start doing? He starts lighting fires, and you say “No good kid, fire bug.” and throw him in reform school. Then you come up and tell him “You’re out there doing those burglaries. Get up against that wall!” and shine the light, scare him, have up against the wall and shake him down and say “We know you’re out here doing these burglaries.” And these guys are practicing all this macho John Wayne trip, you dig, and then the kid goes “Whoa whoop” and he runs off does whatever they’ve programmed him to do. See there’s a reverse side to everything too. There’s a positive and a negative. You come over, like I was listening to uh, to that…

  G: Is there any positive side to Charlie Manson? M: Positive what? Oh, come on man, you didn’t complete the other thought. Positive to Charlie Manson? I’m both negative and positive.

  G: Are you good and evil?

  M: I’m everything.

  G: You evil?

  M: I’m everything man.

  G: Tell me about the evil.

  M: I’m uh, I’m what ever I have to be to survive.

  G: Would you do anything to survive?

  M: Well, I’m, I’m a human being.

  G: Do all human beings do anything to survive?

  M: Uh, survival takes precedence over programming. You get to the point of survival and your programming goes (makes sound and trails his hand off) and it’s gone.

  G: How’s, how’s your programming Charlie?

  M: I got nothing in my head. I quit thinking in 1952.

  G: Why’d you put that on your forehead, that swastika?

  M: Cause we’re locked, we’re all locked in the second World War. And I can’t get free until we unlock the second World War. I’ve been in jail since 1943.

  G: What year were you born? M: Uh, 34.

  G: Nine years old?

  M: Yeah.

  G: What was the first place?

  M: The first place?

  G: The first place.

  M: (coughs) Uh, my mother got out of jail, my mother got out of the joint and um, put me in, in with the monks. The Catholic monks, the brother monks in Terra Haut Indiana.

  G: Yeah? They treat you bad? M: No, they treated me like they treat all the other kids. But I seen them as a bunch of old women. So I ran off, and I escaped out of the hood. Got out of that hood and went on. Went to, went to Chicago and into juvenile hall. Look here..

  G: Tell me..

  M: What?

  G: Tell me what do you want?

  M: (grabs some paper) There’s some other things I wanted to relate to you man.

  G: Can I ask you some questions about your life, then you can tell me anything you want to?

  M: My life is not important man.

  APPENDIX 1: Manson’s First Letter APPENDIX 1: Manson’s First Letter

  APPENDIX 2: Manson’s Second Letter APPENDIX 2: Manson’s Second Letter

  APPENDIX 3: Manson’s Ten Favorite Methods of Seduction APPENDIX 3:

  MANSON’S 10 favorite methods of seduction. Depending on the situation, Manson will choose the technique that he is sure will work.

  1. Sex. Manson sets up sexual trysts for his inmate friends, prison guards, prison authorities, bikers on the outside, friends on the outside he wishes to gain favors from.

  2. Drugs. He may be the mentor/guide and decide to conduct a good trip (a psychedelic experience). Or he may want to induce a bad trip (a psychotomimetic experience—inducing temporary psychosis in order to “rescue” the person and be seen as a healer

  3. “Eater of the Secrets.” Using the rituals of a shaman of a Native American tribe in Oregon, Manson rids people of their shame and guilt thus making them ever

  loyal subjects

  4. Fear as a weapon. “Charlie Talk,” as presented in “Tough Dude.”

  5. Love as a weapon. He charms with music, song and appears as a person who is smitten with loving kindness. 6. Mimicking a person’s verbal and non-verbal behaviors. Master Manson knows how to apply this technique that is taught by s-e-e-r-s, new age gurus and psychiatrists. He takes you on a magical mystery tour by devising imaginative methods to lure an unsuspecting person into his energy field.

  7. Poetic imagery. For example.: “Don’t ride a good horse poorly.” “I see from the eyes of a snake to the eyes of an eagle.” 8. Humor and wit. For example: “Didn’t your mother tell you what happens when you play on the freeway?”

  9. Intuition. He picks up vibes from a person’s aura. He is intuitive to a frightening degree.

  10. With Manson, it’s play time. He has an uncanny way of bringing out the playfulness of a person, especially if the person is afflicted with “original sin”—falling into seriousness.

  APPENDIX 4: Letter From Prison Authorities Ivestgating The Author APPENDIX 4: Letter from prison authorities about investigating the author as a possible Manson follower

  APPENDIX 5: Manson Writes, “I Mass Murderer”

  APPENDIX 5: Mass Murder and Confessions

  Mass murderer appears 10 times January 3 1976 from San Quentin

  Received in 1976 (postmark blurred) from San Quentin. Two page letter on 8 ½ in paper.

  July 29 from Vacaville

  August 12 from Vacaville

  August 13 from Vacaville

  August 13 (another letter from Vacaville)

  August 20 from Vacaville

  August 20 from Vacaville (letter 4 of 6 dated 8/20/76)

  August 21 from Vacaville

  March 11 1977 from Vacaville

  (NOTE: Manson’s quotes on murder are found in the chapter, (MANSON CONFESSES)

  Confesses in first person:

  July 1 1976 from Vacaville

  July 29 1976 from Vacaville.

  August 13 1976 from Vacaville.

  August 19 1976 from Vacaville. On page 3. Fascinating—about his personality: “I know what I am that makes me arrogant—Ive got a mad mean attitude & Im not a good guy at all…how els could I of got my self in this mess.”

  August 12 1976. “I can kill anyone or anything I want.”

  Compares his actions to a lawn mower:

  August 12 1976 from Vacaville. “Yes Im from & in a violent family but whats new about that would you call a lawn mower violent when its made to cut grass.”

  HIS FAMILY “were helping me to do a job that no one els seem to do…& you still haven’t seen the dead bodies & the wrighting in blood on the walls…you have been killing the earth…”

  APPENDIX 6: Girl Sends Manson Drawing Of Her Masturbating APPENDIX 6: Girl sends Manson drawing of her masturbating

  APPENDIX 7: To President Nixon—Here’s All My Money APPENDIX 7: To President Nixon—here’s all my money (See page 24 for details)

  APPENDIX 8: Manson’s Letter On Dispensation From God APPENDIX 8: Manson’s letter on dispensation from God (see Index)

  APPENDIX 9: Poor Little Rich Boy’s Letter APPENDIX 9: poor little rich boy’s letter

  Transcription: Manson wrote “Are you

  calling a blessing a problem?”

  APPENDIX 10: Manson’s Bio APPENDIX 10: Manson’s Bio (courtesy

  Charles Manson

  By Jennifer Rosenberg,

  A mugshot of Charles Manson.

  (Public domain)

  Historical Importance of Charles Manson: Charles Manson is a convicted serial killer who has become an icon of evil. In the late 1960s, Manson founded a hippie cult group known as “the Family” whom he manipulated into brutally killing others on his behalf.


  November 12, 1934

  Also Known As:

  Charles Milles Maddox, Charles Milles Manson

  Overview of Charles Manson: Charles Manson was born in Cincinnati, Ohio to 16-year-old Kathleen Maddox. Kathleen had run away from home at the age of 15 and spent the next few decades drinking too much, with periods of time spent in jail.

  Since his mother couldn’t take care of him, Charles spent his youth at the homes of various relatives and often at special reform schools and boys homes. By age nine, Charles Manson had already started stealing and soon added burglary and stealing cars to his repertoire.

  Manson Gets Married In 1954, at age nineteen, he was released on parole after an unusual bout of good behavior. The next year, he married Rosalie Willis, a waitress, and they had a son together, Charles Manson Jr. (born March 1956). Even while married, Manson had continued making extra money by stealing cars. In April 1956, he was again sent to prison. After Manson had been in prison for a year, his wife found someone new and divorced Manson in June 1957.

  Manson the Con Man In 1958, Manson was released from prison. While out, Manson began pimping, stealing checks from mailboxes, and conned a young woman out of money. He also married again, to a woman named Leona, and fathered a second son, Charles Luther Manson. Manson was again arrested on June 1, 1960 and sent to the McNeil Island Penitentiary off the coast of Washington. His wife soon divorced him.

  Music in Prison Manson spent the next six years in prison. It was during this time that he befriended the infamous Alvin “Creepy” Karpis, former member of Ma Barker’s gang. After Karpis taught Charles Manson to play the steel guitar, Manson became obsessed with making music. He practiced all the time, wrote dozens of original songs, and started singing. He believed that when he got out of prison, he could be a famous musician.

  Manson Gets a Following On March 21, 1967, Manson was once again released from prison. This time he headed to San Francisco where, with a guitar and drugs, he began to get a following. In 1968, he and several followers drove to Southern California.

  Manson was still hoping for a music career. Through an acquaintance, Manson met and hung out with Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys. The Beach Boys did record one of Manson’s songs, which appeared as “Never Learn Not to Love” on the B-side of their 20/20 album.

  Through Wilson, Manson met Terry Melcher, Doris Day’s son. Manson believed Melcher was going to advance his music career but when nothing happened, Manson was very upset.

  During this time, Charles Manson and some of his followers moved into the Spahn Ranch. Located northwest of San Fernando Valley the Spahn Ranch had been a popular location to film westerns in the 1940s and 1950s. Once Manson and his followers moved in, it became a cult compound for “the Family.”

  Helter Skelter Charles Manson was good at manipulating people. He took pieces from various religions to form his own philosophy. When the Beatles released their White Album in 1968, Manson believed their song “Helter Skelter” predicted an upcoming race war. “Helter skelter,” Manson believed, was going to occur in the summer of 1969 when blacks were going to rise up and slaughter all the white people. He told his followers that they would be saved because they would go underground, literally, by traveling to an underground city of gold located in Death Valley.

  However, when the Armageddon that Manson had predicted did not occur, he said he and his followers must show the blacks how to do it.

  Manson Orders the Murders Manson told four of his followers to go to 10050 Cielo Drive in Los Angeles and kill the people inside. This house once belonged to Terry Melcher, the man who had not helped Manson with his music career. However, Melcher no longer lived there; actress Sharon Tate and her husband, director Roman Polanski, had rented the house. On August 9, 1969, four of Manson’s followers brutally murdered Tate, her unborn baby, and four others who were visiting her (Polanski was in Europe for work). The following night, Manson’s followers brutally killed Leno and Rosemary LaBianca in their home.

  Manson’s Trial It took the police several months to determine who was responsible. In December 1969, Manson and several of his followers were arrested. The trial began on July 24, 1970. On January 25, Manson was found guilty of first degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder. On March 29, 1971, Manson was sentenced to death.

  Life in Prison Manson was reprieved from the death penalty in 1972 when the California Supreme Court outlawed the death penalty. Charles Manson now serves a lifetime sentence and periodically comes up for parole. Though he’s been in prison for over three decades, Charles Manson has received more mail than any other prisoner in the U.S. Charles Manson is currently being held in California’s Corcoran Prison.

  (RICHARD’S NOTE: Jennifer Rosenberg did not mention that Manson’s mother sold him to a waitress for a pitcher of beer at an early age. That was the first time he was abandoned.

  A detailed bio account of Manson is found in; This site mentions Manson’s mother selling her son for a pitcher of beer.)

  Photo Gallery

  Manson, 2009 photo

  Rolling Stone’s front cover of Manson

  Roman Polansky sees ‘pig’ on the front door. ‘Pig’ is Sharon Tate’s blood Sharon Tate

  The jury’s verdict in 1971 Manson trial. In 1972 California death sentence revoked

  Epilog & Next Work Epilog & Next Work

  Dennis Rice, known as Elf in the First Showdown chapter, succeeded in breaking away from Manson’s influence. He makes regular visits to prisoners as a minister and counselor. He also counsels and consoles boys in ghetto areas. His transformation is reminiscent of the Saul-toPaul biblical saga.

  Manson tried to lure Patricia Krenwrinkel, one of the Sharon Tate murderers, back into the family. He did not succeed. In his letter to her Manson pleaded with her to return to the family. The prison did not allow the letter to be mailed to her as correspondence with other prisoners is forbidden. By accident, Manson placed her letter in the thirty-five pounds of mail that I received.

  Susan Atkins, suffering from terminal cancer, requested a mercy pardon so she could die in her husband’s home. In 1981 she married Donald L. Laisure in San Bernardino, CA.

  Her request for a mercy pardon was denied. As of this writing (April 2009) she is in a prison hospice in Chowchilla, CA. Manson, an entrepreneur, made Manson paper dolls and sold them for $2000. How many he sold is unknown. I remember on a Valentine Day two teenage girls (known as “Valley Girls” drove to Manson’s prison. They told the guardians at the gate they wanted to see Charlie Manson. They were his Valentine’s gift to him. The parents were notified and came to get their daughters.

  On a more personal note, my father was a collector for the mob in New York City. He did something bad and was told, “Git outta town. Udderwise.”

  I am the oldest of nine brothers and two sisters. One sister (Cathy) died of an overdose. Brother Hanky died from a combination of overdose and alcohol. Brother Dennis was a mailman for the U.S. Post Office. He had Tourette’s Syndrome (the cursing sickness). I followed him during one of his rounds in the business district of Lockport, NY (near Buffalo). He would give the mail to lawyers and shop owners and say, “Here’s your fucken mail pussy.” Dennis was the major attraction on his route. At a bar, the owner would offer Dennis a drink. “I’m on duty pussy cunt. Ya know I can’t fucken drink on the job. Pour me a double shot with a chaser you cunt.” The mayor of Lockport attended Dennis’ wedding.

  Brother Stanley was convicted of killing a sailor in a Rockaway Beach, NY bar. He was a teenager at the time. He served his time and was released from juvey hall. One day, while drunk, a train ran over him. Stan survived and collected $$ in a lawsuit.

  Brother Gary, mentally challenged, was shot in the head by the owner of a candy store in Rockaway Beach, NY. I was living in California at the time. I told Gary that he had to break away from his attitude that people were hostile to him. He always interpreted someone’s look at him as an attack. Argument resulted. Inevitably, the confrontation led to a fight.
That’s what happened to his job as a garment worker in Manhattan. That’s what happened in the button factory job in the Rockaways. He lost both jobs. When I heard the news of being shot I sent Gary a telegram in the hospital, telling him he needed a shot in the head. It was to serve as a wake-up call. He remained paralyzed on his left side. He did cool down and was less combative.

  Brother Ronald, an LAPD officer, had the distinction of never drawing his piece in more than twenty years on the force. That’s truly remarkable. He was a true peace officer.

  Sister Janice held court with her many girlfriends. At the beach or swimming pool her friends sat in a line of lounge chairs. When Janice was bored with the friend sitting next to her, my Sister would say, “Barbara, you bore me. Go to the end of the line.” Dutifully, Barbara would do as commanded. When Janice tired of the next girlfriend, she issued the same command. I was always amazed by this performance. Janice is responsible for rescuing Brother Gary from the halfway house in Buffalo, which he hated. Janice had him transferred to a convalescent home near her abode in Queens, NY. That was a wonderful gesture. Thanks to her, Gary lived happily until his demise.

  Brother Donald (“Scooby”) was illiterate; he stuttered badly. He married a Native American girl. She could not speak or talk. She adored him, not realizing he stuttered and stammered badly.

  Brother Beaver, living in Broad Channel, NY, was a station engineer on the New York City subway system. He kept the trains running until he retired. He was Mr. Fix It. Call Beaver when something was wrong with appliances, the computer, etc. would Leave It To Beaver for repairs without cost.

  Introducing my mother Rose Rubacher. It was from Mumsy that I became full of joy. It was from her that I learned about being playful and spontaneous. Mumsy epitomized Cindy Lauper’s song, “Girls Just Want To Have Fun.” Mother was in a child’s mind. On her death bed she went out in a blaze of glory. Sister Janice was at her bedside. Janice said, “Mom, what’s going on?” “I see Cathy,” Mom said, “Oh, I’m sooooo happy.” Smiling, Mom was whisked away with her daughter, Cathy who committed suicide fifteen years ago.